Thanksgiving Poem: I Made You a Plate

Photo by Monstera Production on

Here’s a poem I wrote around three years ago, around Thanksgiving time. I hope everyone is having a day full of blessings.

I Made You a Plate

I made you a plate.
So much better than vibrating the air
With the voice sounds of
“I love you.”

I made you a plate.
I thought of you, specifically you.
I think of you even when
You are not in the room.

I made you a plate.
I saw you hungry and fed you.
I saw you unable to join and wanted
You not to be lonely.

I made you a plate.
Even if you can’t participate at the
Specified place and time
You are still in community.

I made you a plate.
I do not take you for granted
Nor the task you are doing
That keeps you from the feast.

I made you a plate.
In assembling the food, I recalled
Noticing your likes and dislikes.
I care for your comfort, your happiness.

I made you a plate.
I brought you a piece of love
From each person who cooked and shared.
You are not abandoned.

What greater love is there than this?
I had your back.
I made you a plate.


On Today’s Walk: More Neighborhood Art

Hey, look! I’m back. Soon, I’ll post about what has consumed my time the past several months, but today I want to show everyone some more little art around my neighborhood. I live in such a creative community, I find new pieces around the area all the time in my perambulations.


Old wooden cabinet, blue and green, with two plants, a fake skull topped by a fake spider, some pick-up sticks, and miniature people.
This is very near my house. The display changes occasionally.


hexagonal stepping stone with purple iris
Purple iris are in the running for my favorite flower, maybe because my mother loved them. Naturally, I like this stepping stone.


Water pipe sticking up from ground, painted like a lighthouse with blue and black stripes.
If you must have a pipe sticking up in your yard, might as well turn it into art.

Get outside for a while if you can. It’s a good place to be.


On Today’s Bike Ride: Achievement Unlocked

I finally did it.

Bicycle leaning against a massive bur oak tree. Blue sky.
Freida (my bike) at the Big Tree

I achieved my bicycling goal of making it all the way to the nearly 400-year-old bur oak, the one my husband visits every weekend. That’s about a 22-mile round trip. I’ve been working on building my cycling stamina, riding a little farther each outing. Today, I just kept going until I was there. The hubs was kind enough to slow his pace so I could keep up. Then I left for home earlier than he did.

I will admit the last three to four miles of the return trip were a struggle. I imagined myself the subject of one of those old times folk ballads about a person on an arduous journey who makes it through all sorts of hazards, only to drop dead within sight of their destination. But instead, I’m here at my keyboard, writing my own story.

A couple more photos:

Look up into the canopy of bur oak tree.

Sign about Williamson Bur Oak: Nearly 400 years old.

Happy trails!


Independence Poem and Playlist

Photo by Skyler Ewing on
Photo by Damir on
Photo by Kelly on

I celebrate Independence Day complete with watching fireworks. Despite the major flaws of many of the country’s founders in overlooking the equality of certain races and genders, I believe in the core idea of people forming the government and everyone having a say. But I’m troubled by what passes for patriotism in some circles these days as well as the backward movement on human rights. Anyway, here’s a poem I wrote and a playlist I curated for the day.


The city filled with flags proclaims
its puffed up patriotism
the billowed colors clamoring
for adoration, for awe.

The crest of a cardinal catches
my eye instead, my loyalty pledged
to saving it, to a future of
scarlet feathers brightening trees.

A constellation of white wood
anemones on the creek’s bank
garners my allegiance, my hope
for beauty in the years to come.

The first blueberries of the year
bring with them a taste of wonder
and a wish for a republic
filled with enough fruit for all.

Tomatoes, roses, rainbow stripe,
great whales, clean snow, and polar bears,
blue morpho butterflies, clear skies –
all things for which I take a stand.

And my playlist, in large part celebrating those who have been historically excluded.

Happy Independence Day!

On Today’s Walk: Blessed Rain

Despite the amount of time since I’ve posted about it, I do still walk regularly. This evening’s walk was especially enjoyable because WE HAVE RAIN! Excuse my excitement. We’re several inches behind where we should be this time of year. Even if I hadn’t been able to find my umbrella, I probably would have gone out anyway.

Top part of frame is the edge of a blue and white polka dotted umbrella. Below that is a street leading to a park with lots of trees. All is wet.
The view from under the umbrella.


Poem: A Little Party Every Day

Photo by Jess Bailey Designs on

We did it, folks! Thanks to donations from several people, my poetry raised $270 for the City of Refuge. I don’t yet know the total raised from all poets participating in the Poem-a-Thon. 

I wrote to the prompt today, for my final poem. “…write something about celebrations–an event you celebrate, or how you celebrate. How do you turn the everyday into a festive occasion?” This is a little rough, but I can polish it later.

A Little Party Every Day

I try to have a little party for myself every day – good advice from a random stranger on the internet.

I made it through the workday
without crumbling and my legs are strong.
My phone is the portal to a million songs
enough reason to dance, swaying
to one upbeat tune before engaging
with pots and pans and chopping knives.
Pop a sparkling water and raise a glass
to snuggly cats and exams passed
as my loves share the small joys of their lives.
For enduring my dreaded recurring chore —
clipping coupons and meal planning
squeaky cart wheels and standing in line —
discount flowers from the grocery store.
A donut on the deck, stationed
for a prime view of the pollinators
darting and busy from color to color,
planting accomplished 
and now a moment for observation.
A camp chair under the carport 
with a cup of red rooibos tea
the joyful tap of rain above me
there’s time for a party, no matter how short.


Poem: This Like That, That Like This

It’s the penultimate day of the City of Refuge Poem-a-Thon. I had to send the bucket deep into the well to come up with anything today.

This Like That, That Like This

It’s funny how when I hear
tires whooshing along roadways
in the distance it can sound
like ocean waves rolling in
and out, the rhythmic pulsing
of air at steady intervals.
Maybe it’s my mind grasping
for the ancient familiar
to make sense of the now 
or the impulse to create
categories – this like
that, that like this, a mirage
of mastery over what
is uncontrollable. Or.
It’s possible. A connection
is present in a real way
the great mechanism of
our running universe
providing the beat for all
we create and experience.


Poem: Continuance

Photo by Lara Jameson on

Day 28 in the City of Refuge Poem-a-Thon. This is my most stream of consciousness poem so far, thinking about all the stuff happening everywhere.


I sign petitions and people continue to suffer
I attend rallies and people continue to suffer
I hold signs, I write letters, I scrape ten dollars
From my bank account to help the cause
And maybe one person suffers a little less
I raise my voice against attacks
On the vulnerable and the attacks continue
The attacks continue but next to me
An ally is signing a petition
Community members are rallying for justice
Workers are sharing their hard-won earnings
To make the world less sick, more fair
And maybe a few people suffer a little less
And maybe a handful suffer a lot less
Suffering continues and attacks continue
And solidarity continues and the work continues
And sometimes joy breaks to the surface
And those who care continue to stand
Shoulder to shoulder because 
What else is there to do


Poem: You, on the Riverbank

Getting my poem up late tonight. Entry 27 for the City of Refuge Poem-a-Thon is inspired by a memory of a camping trip with my husband.

You, on the Riverbank

On my early morning walk I sought
solitude on the path to the river
believing I wanted to be alone.
All went as desired until I turned
at the last bend and there you were
ahead of me, already taking in
the newly wakened sunbeams tapping
sparks on the water. You didn’t hear me
stop behind, gazing at you gazing
toward the far bank through the center
of a jagged wreath of willow leaves
perfectly shaped for the view, the light
glowing around your silhouette focusing
you at the center of the scene, all
the world I could see a frame for you.
